Monday, November 30, 2009

nothing, gracious, vacant nothing

Is there a way to make the brain stop over thinking when it refuses to?
Can we make the mind flow yellow when it wants to default to blue?
For some it all stays on the level, while for others it delves too deep.
If only I could make it calm, then maybe I could get some sleep.
To have a blissful night of nothing would be a dream come true
But dreams of nothing, gracious, vacant nothing
Would make me nothing but a timid little shrew
Who knew so little of the world around her spinning madly fire like
Eyes so wide and full of wonder waiting for that painful spike
Right through that madly working brain that does not seem to ever stop
And then here comes reality forcing in like the butcher's enthusiastic chop
And nothing, gracious, vacant nothing is merely but a fantasy
But what a world would that be when one could dream of ecstasy
Then torment oneself with "what ifs?" "how comes" and "what was.."
And all the stupid other things that this mind seems to be filled abuzz
Please let the placid air surround me like it does so well for them
They seem to be happy there, living their ignorant little shams.
If only I could donate some, like long-haired vixens do
When cancer victims need their dignity, they will gladly take some in lieu
Donate thoughts aplenty just in time for the freakish holidays
They can take all my thoughts and make sense of them,
Turn them in to happy days.

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